
Biofeedback & Electrical Stimulation
Electrical Stimulation

Learning and Regaining Control of your Pelvic Floor Muscles

Biofeedback and electrical stimulation are tools that can help individuals improve their control over their pelvic floor muscles.

These techniques use electrical signals to help individuals identify and target the correct muscles, and provide feedback on their contraction strength. Studies have shown that verbal instruction alone is not enough to effectively train the pelvic floor muscles, and that biofeedback and electrical stimulation can be more effective.

Additionally, biofeedback and electrical stimulation provide a measurable way to track progress and make adjustments to exercise routines. With these tools, individuals can improve their pelvic floor muscle control and alleviate symptoms such as incontinence and pelvic pain.
Women’s Health

Gamified Physical Therapy practicing Pelvic Floor Muscle Contraction

Prenatal Physical Therapy

Preparing the Body for Pregnancy and a swift Recovery afterwards

During the second and especially the third trimester the female body goes through many musculoskeletal changes. These changes can cause pain in different parts of the body. Most commonly hip and back pain as well as sciatica.
These can be prevented and physical therapy sessions can support and prepare the body to cope with the changes taking place. They can even potentially speed up the recovery process.
Postpartum Physical Therapy

Getting the Body’s Core strength back on track after a Pregnancy

As a mom-to-be, it's important to take care of your body during this special time. As your pregnancy progresses, your abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles can become stretched and stressed. While they may return to their original state within a few months after delivery, it can take up to a year for them to fully recover.
That's why we offer gentle, targeted exercises to help strengthen these important muscle groups. Our program is designed to help you achieve optimal results, while also being gentle and safe for you and your baby.
Strengthening your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles can help you feel more comfortable and confident during pregnancy, and will also aid in your postpartum recovery.
How it can help

BioStim Physical Therapy might be for you if you suffer from:

hip pain
back pain
urinary leakage
stress urinary incontinence
involuntary loss of urine
decreased blatter control
pelvic organ prolapse (POP)
Call us to schedule a consulation

Helpful Definitions

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a condition in which an individual leaks urine during physical activity or exertion, such as coughing, sneezing, or laughing. It is caused by a weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for supporting the bladder and urethra.

SUI can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort for those who experience it, but there are treatment options available. It's important to consult a healthcare professional if you are experiencing symptoms.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a condition in which one or more of the pelvic organs (such as the bladder, uterus, or rectum) drops or falls out of its normal position. This can occur when the muscles and tissues that support the pelvic organs become weak or damaged.

POP can cause a range of symptoms, including pressure or discomfort in the pelvic area, difficulty with bowel or bladder function, and visible bulging of the vaginal walls. Treatment options can help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

Plan of Care

Initial Evaluation / Pelvic Floor Muscle Exam:

This phase of Biostim therapy begins with an initial evaluation and pelvic floor muscle exam.

The patient will lie on their back with their feet bent and learn to engage their pelvic muscles to test muscle strength and function. After the initial evaluation, a plan of care will be established.

Skilled Physical Therapy

During this phase of therapy, which typically lasts for about 6 weeks, the patient will receive skilled physical therapy.

Depending on the patient's needs, modalities such as biofeedback and electrical stimulation may be used as an adjunct to improve muscle strength and function.


After 6 weeks of therapy, the patient will be reevaluated to assess her progress.

If more therapy is needed, the plan of care will be adjusted accordingly. This phase is important to monitor the progress and adapt the plan accordingly.

Meet your new Doctor Stephanie Corl

Physical Therapist & Women’s Health Specialist (PT, DPT, CSCS)
Dr. Stephanie Corl is a Specialist in Women’s Health Physical Therapy with a passion for helping women face unique health care concerns across their lifespan deserving individualized treatment and care.

She is trained in treating pelvic floor dysfunctions and has 15 years of experience as a physical therapist in the US and Europe.

Insurance Coverage

We accept direct billing with most insurance providers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Women's Health Physical Therapy includes the examination, evaluation and treatment of health conditions that are specific to or more prevalent in women, or present differently in the female population.

Yes, absolutely. This is no problem at all.

During the 45 minute physical therapy evaluation a licensed physical therapist will ask you questions regarding your symptoms and will perform a pelvic floor muscle exam. This may require you to undress. Depending on the findings, your physical therapist and you will create a plan of care to help you reach your functional goals.

Yes. A c-section is an abdominal surgery and your plan of care will be modified accordingly. Typically, gentle strengthening of the abdominal muscles and scar tissue mobilization, once you are cleared by your doctor, are physical therapy interventions provided.

Yes. Prenatal physical therapy is more preventive and focuses on treating sciatica, low back pain and hip pain. It helps get your body ready for labor and delivery.
Postpartum physical therapy addresses musculoskeletal ambalances labor and delivery and focuses on strengthening of abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.


Opening hours

Monday - Thursday: 08:00 AM – 07:00 PM

Friday: 08:00 AM – 02:00 PM

Saturday: 08:00 AM – 02:00 PM
(appointment only)

Sunday: closed


Kindsbacher Str. 39D, 66877 Ramstein
